Matthew 10:26-33 - “Do Not Fear Man -The Gospel is For All”
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Sermon Passage - Matthew 10:26-33
Big Idea (expanded): No matter what happens, it is important to preach the Good News and not fear those who persecute us because we serve a sovereign and loving God who is always in control.
Big Idea (shortened): The Gospel is for all!
Question the Sermon Answers: FQ3 - “Principle to be Applied” - We must apply the principle of courage and dependence on God. We have a responsibility to share the Good News. First, the Good News changes lives and the gospel is for all. Second, we cannot fear what happens o nthis earth - eternity is far more important than anything that happens to us here. Truly, God knows everything - even when we will die. We are valuable to God and He is here with us. Third, we have a responsibility to share the Gospel and what we say here Jesus will share with His Father in Heaven.
Introduction - Start with a Question - What are you afraid of?
When I first came to Turkey I was scared.
When I was about to get married, that morning I was afraid.
What are you afraid of?
Top 10 fears according to WebMD
Diving deeper - fear of “events”
Fear of public speaking
Fear of vulnerability
Fear of not being good enough
Fear of change.
Fear of rejection.
When I woke up on my wedding day what was I afraid of?
I was not afraid of the actual event of marriage, ceremony, etc.
The fear of rejection from my wife.
What about you?
Having a child example
We all fear what other people will think of us.
Transition: All of this anxiety can be summed up into one fear - the fear of man (Matthew 10:26)
Fear of man gives us anxiety.
Demotivates us.
Scares us.
And this is what the disciples were feeling in Matthew 10:26-33.
I. Point 1: The Gospel Is For All (Matthew 10:26-27)
A. Context
1. Before Jesus’ Ministry - Jesus’ preparation (Chapters 1-4:18)
Grew up in Jewish household
Baptized by John the Baptist
Goes into the wilderness - tempted by Satan
2. Jesus’ Ministry (Chapters 4:19-10)
Jesus begins healing
Jesus continues teaching.
Name of Jesus is growing.
Pharisees did not like this.
Brings us to chapter 10.
3. Jesus sending out His disciples.
Introduction in chapter 10
This is the first time where Jesus goes from his teaching and his ministry.
Focuses from ministry to sending others out - discipleship.
B. The Gospel is For All
What was Jesus saying to them?
Did Jesus say to them, “You’re going to save millions of lives!?” “You’re gong to be treated like kings?” etc.
No. He said the opposite
What Jesus said to His disciples - the reality of actual physical death (emphasize 10: v. 16,18,21-22).
V. 16
V. 21-22
Jesus is preparing His men for death. Actual death.
But no what what, the Gospel is for all! Verse 26-27.
Matthew 5 - 10:26 parallel - the light
Matthew 5 - Jesus talks about having your light shine before men.
Where do we see this light again?
Matthew 10:26 - We see this light again.
What is the light?
The gospel
According to Matthew 10:26 the light will not be covered?
Because the Gospel is for all!
The disciples’ faith
They don’t have the entire picture - we do
C. Illustration 1 - Mustafa
Application - We must proclaim it. God is in control we are not.
Transition: I know that the Gospel is for all, but how can I do this when the risk of death is right in front of me!?
II. Point 2: God Knows Everything (Matthew 10:28-31)
A. Illustration 2 - perspective of life on earth to eternal life
B. Illustration 3 - statistic on average lifespan
Our lifespan to God’s “lifespan”
C. Jesus knew this more than anyone - “Don’t be afraid…” (v. 28)
There is something more terrifying than the fear of man - the fear of God.
D. God knows all
Verse 31 - sparrows - God values and knows time of death
God values us even more!
Verse 31 part 2 - hair - God pays attention to us
God knows everything about us - even when we are going to die.
Transition: God knows our time of death but can we?
III. Point 3: God Gives Us Courage (Matthew 10: 32-33)
A. Illustration 4 - Rory (cat) passing away
Maybe this has happened to a close family member of yours
What would I have done differently if I had more time?
B. The Unknown Time we have with our loved ones
Humans have the choice of going to Heaven or Hell
How can we withhold this information from others?
Are we scared of that awkward conversation or are we more scared if our friends and family are going to Heaven or hell?
C. Jesus’ promise (v. 32)
We have a responsibility to God
If we acknowledge Jesus here He will acknowledge us before God
If we deny Him, He will deny us before God
We must follow the Great Comission
Transition: What if we go our entire lives without saying anything because we are scared?
Conclusion: Imagine on death bed and you didn’t do anything? How can we change that today.